Wawel Cup O-Shirt Contest
38th Wawel Cup edition is already behind us but we are already thinking about the next one! Throughout the last […]
38th Wawel Cup edition is already behind us but we are already thinking about the next one! Throughout the last […]
We encourage to upload your tracks. IV Stage – M14M16 M18M20 M21AM21EM21S M35M35SM40M40-49SM45M50 M55M60M70M75OPEN LONGOPEN SHORT W14W16 W18W20W21A W21EW21SW35W35SW40W40-49SW45W50 W55W60W65W70
We encourage to upload your tracks. II stage – W70, W75 W50, W35S W21E, M21A W20, M45 W18, W35, M21S