Hit the Pit

For the end of the week, we have prepared a real blaster! We have a pleasure to inform you about a possibility to register for Wawel Cup additional event. ‘Hit the Pit’ includes two races – preliminary and final (final A in handicap start and final B in mass start). For the winners attractive prizes will be prepared.

There is a limit of 60 applications per category

The terrain for Hit the Pit is unique for worldwide scale. The area of 0,33 square kilometer is marked by 791 pits and depressions. It is worth noticing that almost every pit is at least 7 meters deep. See you!

registration till 9th July – here

Location – Olkusz, Date – 16.07.2021

W Youth (W 14-18)
W Elite
W Masters (W35-49)
W Super Masters (W50+)
M Youth (M 14-18)
M Elite
M Masters (M35-49)
M Super Masters (M50+)


  I due date (30 first notified runners from each category*) II due date (the next 30 notified runners from each category)
W M Youth, W M Masters,
W M Super Masters
35 PLN
(W Youth, W Masters,
W Super Masters)
45 PLN
(M Masters, M Youth, M Super Masters)
W M Elite 40 PLN 50 PLN

*The payment date is decisive.

After completing the form, you should arrange the corresponding payment to the following bank account.

26 1090 1665 0000 0001 3605 9803, BIC/SWIFT WBKPPLPPXXX
address: WOJSKOWY KLUB SPORTOWY WAWEL, Podchorążych Street 3, 30-084 Kraków
note: WAWEL CUP HIT THE PIT, name and surname, club name.

As per regulations, the registration fee is non-refundable.


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