Accommodation – camping

Accommodation – camping

After every edition of Wawel Cup, we always try to draw conclusions. That’s why we outsource campsite operation to Hotel Ostaniec, where full access to energy and hot water are guaranteed.

Additional advantage of staying at campsite is… being almost in the competition centre of first three stages. Moreover, Hotel Ostaniec will be the place of prize giving ceremony every evening.

Please send a request of camping places needed at



Tent – 10 PLN/day

Campervan – 25 PLN/day (includes parking fee)

Caravan – 25 PLN/day (includes parking fee)

accommodation at campsite:

adult – 10 PLN/day

child 4-10 years – 5 PLN/day

child 0-4 – free

pets – 8 PLN/day

energy – 10 PLN/day

parking fee – 10 PLN/day


Campsite photos below.


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