Category: <span>News</span>


There will be parking available during stage I, II, III and V (5 zł per day). During stage IV the organizers do not provide parking place, however there will be…

Kryspinów Lake&Rohatyna Inn

We are pleased to anounce that Zalew Kryspinów (Kryspinów Lake) and Karczma Rohatyna (Rohatyna Inn) has just joined us as a partner. We recommend visiting their website via the following…

Technical bulletin

It’s high time to publish the technical note. You will find there the following: information on parking places, the maps of competition centers or the length of distance to get…

GPS tracking – I stage

During the first stage, we will track the rivalry in W50 and M50 (the most numerous category) using GPS. Competitors are asked for coming to GPS tent. We have drawn…