Meal orders

Thanks to cooperation with Catering on Life, there is a possibility to order dinner in competition center (Saturday and Sunday). Meals will be prepared also meat and vegetarian versions. Please send your orders till Monday 28.03 – Order should include – days, number of people and meal version. Price for soup and main course – 25 PLN. You can take meal voucher from competition office. Meal hours will be announced before the competitions.


Saturday –

SOUP – pumpkin cream soup with ginger,

MEAT – rise with chicken and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and corn) with Provence herbs and olive oil

WEGETARIAN – rise with spinach and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and corn) with Provence herbs and olive oil

Sunday –

SOUP – tomato soup cream with baked pepper and basil

MEAT – kaszotto (risotto made with groats) with turkey meat with vegetables (carrot, onion and green peas)
WEGETARIAN – kaszotto (risotto made with groats) with sun-dried tomatoes, carrot, onion and green peas

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