
We would like to remind You about our contest for the best finish, which will be held tomorrow, on the third stage of Wawel Cup. The fastest man and the fastest woman will get touchless SIAC card. In the contest takes part competitors, who runs in categories: K14, K16, K18, K20, K21, K35, K40, K45, K50, K55, M14, M16, M18, M20, M21, M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, K16-20B, M16-20B, K35-45S, M35-45S, OPEN, K21B, M21B (so all, from start number 2). In case of the same time, SIAC card will go to the person, who will be higher in classification in his/her category. In case of the same time, advantage/loss will be decisive,

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