
1.Olkusz city (host of todays competition) from the beginning of the war, the same as mamy other Polish cities, is providing help to refugees from Ukraine. Thanks to the collaboration with local authorities, we are able to organise a collection point during the competition. The most needed are: hygiene products, bandages, basic medicines. In one of the tents it will be possible to drop items off. We encourage you to suupprt!

Our social partner- Polska Misja Medyczna ( Polish Medical Mission) encourages to support their fundraiser for war victims. Every private donation or individually started fundraiser on Facebook is dedicated for buying medical supplies and medicines for hospitals in Ukraine. Link to fundraiser: here.

How to create your fundraiser on Facebook:
1. Go to: facebook.com/PolskaMisjaMedyczna
2. Click “Utwórz Zbiórkę Pieniędzy” (create a fundraiser)
3. Create your own description and provide the final amount, which you want to reach.
4. Create and share it with your friends.
5 . Ready! You can run for the victims of war in Ukraine.

Polish Medical Mission – here

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