It’s time for promised surprise – the rocky sprint! On Friday’s evening sprint in rocky paradise will take place.
Full focus, tricky orienteering and extreme challenge! The qualification will start at 4 p.m. The best 6 people from each class will take part in final run. The finals will be played by mass start and separated for each category. Final runs will start at 6 p.m.
W Youth (W14-18)
W Elite (W21)
W Masters (W35-49)
W Super Masters (W50+)
M Youth (M14-18)
M Elite (M21)
M Masters (M35-49)
M Super Masters (M50+)
Registration accessible via electronic registration form.
Once you fill in and submit the registration form, please transfer the proper payment to the following bank account:
Bank account number: PL 26 1090 1665 0000 0001 3605 9803, BIC/SWIFT WBKPPLPPXXX
Address: WOJSKOWY KLUB SPORTOWY WAWEL, ul. Podchorążych 3,30-084 Kraków
transfer title: WAWEL CUP, personal name&surname and club name
We kindly ask you to notify us about the need for invoice. e-mail:
As per regulations, the registration fee is non-refundable.
Entries limited! Till 60 people per classes.
Payments should be made to the WKS Wawel account with the note ‘Rocky Sprint’.
WM Elite – 40 PLN
Other classes – 30 PLN
Competitors will enjoy an unforgettable experience and attractive prizes. The amount of prizes depends on the number of entries.