
Similarly to last year, we offer you the possibility to join our trainings. However, they will be a bit reorganised this year. The control points for all 3 maps will be ready from Monday noon (03.07.2017) so that the runners coming for Wawel Cup can get to know the terrain earlier. What is more, this year we do not limit the training duration to one day only. If you feel like running even more, every afternoon (or even at night) you may want to go for a training (the control points will be there till Sunday). All maps are located around CTA “Żelazko” resort (Center of Active Tourism “Zelazko”). We want to have two shortened classic courses (Żelazko, Śrubarnia) and one more challenging middle course (Grochowiec).

training maps: Grochowiec, Żelazko, Śrubarnia

Maps will be available throughout the Wawel Cup in the competition office. One map costs 5 PLN.

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