Wawel Cup 35. is already a history. Over 500 runners from 15 different countries attended the biggest competition in Poland. As organizers, we would like to say thank you to all who joined us this year. We hope that you enjoyed the event and that you are satisfied with the maps, courses and the level of organization so that we will meet summer next year. We trust that these of Polish clubs who have not came this year will be attracted by the unique atmosphere of the Wawel Cup and will join is next year. We have already listed the items we would like to improve so that the competition in Olkusz will be on even better level. We would like to ask you to share with us all type of feedback via e-mail to wawelcup@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Wawel Cup 35.
See you next year!
WKS Wawel – Orieentering Team