Wawel Cup 37. – Let’s get started!

Wawel Cup 36. is already a part of history. We held the meeting to summarise this year event. Thank you all for your participation and completing the online survey – we are always open you your feedback!

Wawel Cup won’t be lacking of rocky terrains, challenging orienteering and hot atmosphere! We are also now ready with few innovation for next year event!

– brand new design for our website as a communication channel with you

– a separation of roles of event director and accommodation director what will help the process of booking the accommodation (at gym hall or at camping) more efficient

– novelty: stage with a mass start – it will be technically challenging and eye-catching!

– afternoon sprint run in the rocks – separate sign up available

– more control point in the forest so that orienteering run during Wawel Cup will become even more difficult.

More information to follow on our website and fanpage. As soon as we will know the exact location of the stages, we will open the registration!

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