Daily reminder – day 4 (14.07.2024)

Here is a set of important information related to the 4th day of the Wawel Cup. 1. Organizer doesn’t provide a car park. Suggested car parks in the surroundings: 49.440019, 21.174025 49.438482, 21.176155 49.440663, 21.182702 49.437288, 21.175195 COMPETITION CENTER – 49.440186, 21.177245 2. We invite you to competition office between 8 am and 9 am. 3. Sports issues Stage 5 – Entrance to the first starting box – 5 minutes before the start. – Road to start – 1,8 km (elevation gain 40 meters) – blue ribbons. – WM10N and Rodzinna courses – the start is located near the finish line, the run will take place in the Spa Park. (start till 11:30) – In the case of categories starting in the handicap start, the victory in the Wawel Cup is determined by punching the finish control. – Competitors are road traffic participants and do not have precedence over cars – please be careful when crossing the asphalt road. – There will be two drinking water points on one of the paths in the forest. The roads to them will depend on the selection of the route choice. – The starting minute for the handicap should be written on the bib. 4. You can pick up dinners between 12.30 pm and 13.30 pm. Good luck!


We publish startlists for handicap race. We encourage to take a look! Startlists – here

Wawel Cup Party

It’s time for the promised surprise! Just after the stage-winner ceremony and Wawel Cup Talent Show (7 pm), we invite you to a special event hosted by a local DJ. The event will take place in amphitheater in the spa park. See you!
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2 weeks ago

Przed nami jeszcze tylko 3️⃣ tygodnie do zakończenia pierwszego terminu zgłoszeń na 44.WawelCup.Pamiętajcie, że i w tym roku działamy według zasady „czym szybciej, tym taniej” – dlatego zachęcamy was serdecznie do wcześniejszych rejestracji.Link do zgłoszeń w komentarzu ⬇️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️There are only 3️⃣ weeks left until the 1st registration deadline for the 44. WawelCup.Remember that this year we are also operating according to the principle “the sooner the cheaper” – that is why we encourage you to early register.Link to registration in the comment ⬇️ See MoreSee Less
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