Daily reminder – day 3 (13.07.2024)
Here is a set of important information related to the 3rd day of the Wawel Cup.
1. Organizer doesn’t provide a car park.
Suggested car parks in the surroundings:
49.440019, 21.174025
49.438482, 21.176155
49.440663, 21.182702
49.437288, 21.175195
COMPETITION CENTER – 49.440186, 21.177245
2. We invite you to competition office between 8 am and 10 am.
3. Sports issues
Stage 3
– Road to the start – 2,2 km (elevation gains 50 meters) – blue ribbons – on the way to the start, you pass the finish line (after 1,5 km).
– Due to the lack of characteristic linear elements, for courses of categories W10, M10, W12, M12, WM12-14B, one of the courses in the forest will be marked with neon orange ribbons. This course is mandatory for these categories.
– There will be two drinking water points on one of the paths in the forest. The roads to them will depend on the selection of the route choice.Stage 3
4. You can pick up dinners between 13.30 pm and 14.30 pm.
5. We would like to remind you to read out the SI card in the competition center.
6. We invite you to participate in our additional events – Trail Orienteering, stage-winner ceremony, Wawel Cup Talent Show and… evening surprise!
Good luck!

Team classification – day 1
We publish the results of the team classification after 1st stage. Update will be published soon.
1. WKS Wawel 16
2. OK! Sport 12
3. PVM 11
3. OK Jiskra Novy Bor 11
5. UNTS Warszawa 10
5. UKS Azymut Pabianice 10

2nd stage – results
Due to the current situation* (no finish unit until the 47th minute), we decided to close the race time at the last control point for categories M16, M18, M20, M21S, M45, M50, M55, M60, M65, W14, W16, W35, W60, W65, OPEN Short.
This situation did not make affect on the results in the remaining categories.
*We apologize for the organizational error.
results – here

Uście Gorlickie commune
Wawel Cup is in progress, and we would like to introduce you to… one of our most important partners.
We would like to thank the Uście Gorlice Commune and the Mayor Ewa Garbowska-Góra for their help in organizing. Without her, this year’s event wouldn’t be possible!
Uście Gorlickie commune – here

Daily reminder – day 2 (12.07.2024)
Here is a set of important information related to the 2nd day of the Wawel Cup.
COMPETITON CENTER – 49.440874, 21.137699
1. We invite you to competition office between 8 am and 9 am, and during afternoon stage – 1.30 pm and 3 pm.
2. Sports issues
Stage 2
– Road to the start – for categories WM10N, W10, M10, W12, M12, WM12-14B, Rodzinna – 800 meters (60 meters of elevation gain) – yellow ribbons.
– Road to the start for the remaining – 1,2 km (90 m elevation gain) – blue ribbons.
– Categories WM10N, W10, M10, W12, M12, WM12-14B, Rodzinna finish the race at the finish line in the competition center.
– The remaining distances end in the forest, with a 2 km long course to the competition center, marked with neon orange ribbons.
– Road to the start and return to the competition center from finish is partly along an asphalt road – please be careful.
Stage 3
– Road to the start – 700 meters (elevation gain 60 meters) – blue ribbons.
– Categories WM10N, W10, M10, W12, M12, W14, M14, WM12-14B, W80, Open S, Rodzinna – road to the start – 150 meters – yellow ribbons.
– One of the leg of the WM10N and Rodzinna will be marked with neon orange ribbons. This leg is mandatory for these categories.
3. You can pick up dinners between 12.30 pm and 13.30 pm.
4. We recommend car park on the field, unless the parking staff suggests otherwise. For safety reasons, it is absolutely forbidden to stand on the right side of the road!
Good luck!

Model Event – results
We publish the results of the yesterday Model Event competition. Thank you for your numerous participation!
Model Event results – here

Przed nami jeszcze tylko 3️⃣ tygodnie do zakończenia pierwszego terminu zgłoszeń na 44.WawelCup.![]()
Pamiętajcie, że i w tym roku działamy według zasady „czym szybciej, tym taniej” – dlatego zachęcamy was serdecznie do wcześniejszych rejestracji.
Link do zgłoszeń w komentarzu ⬇️![]()
There are only 3️⃣ weeks left until the 1st registration deadline for the 44. WawelCup.![]()
Remember that this year we are also operating according to the principle “the sooner the cheaper” – that is why we encourage you to early register.![]()
Link to registration in the comment ⬇️