Wawel Cup Talent Show

Wawel Cup is not only a sports competition, it is also a number of inspiring additional events. So we would like to invite you to Wawel Cup Talent Show – all talents, whether in the form of a skit, singing, dancing or anything else that comes to mind. The Talent Show will take place on Saturday after the stage-winner ceremony in the amphitheater in the Spa Park in Wysowa-Zdrój. Applications by 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Applications should be made directly to Teresa Bugaj (WKS Wawel coach) or by e-mail – We invite both big and small people. ; )


We encourage you to follow the “LIVE” tab. There you will find links to startlists, results, courses, photos, Livelox and team classification. A lot of important news – stay tuned! LIVE – here


We encourage livelox users to upload your tracks after each stage. You will find links to courses after each stage in ‘LIVE’ tab on our website. You can also send .gps file on

Take your own water bottle!

During the 43rd Wawel Cup, there will be unique drinking water from our partner. To reduce the amount of excess waste, we would like to encourage you to bring your water container (bottle/mug) to the finish line. We hope that thanks to such effort we will reduce the amount of waste produced. Thank you in advance for your mobilization!

technical bulletin

Below you will find a long awaited technical bulletin. The technical bulletin includes many important issues regarding the sports* side of each stage. Read carefully. *Other organizational issues will be included in Bulletin 2. technical bulletin e

Łosie Forest District

We are very happy to introduce another partner of our competition! 43. Wawel Cup will be held on the Łosie Forest District terrain. Thank you for you trust! Łosie Forest District – here
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2 weeks ago

Przed nami jeszcze tylko 3️⃣ tygodnie do zakończenia pierwszego terminu zgłoszeń na 44.WawelCup.Pamiętajcie, że i w tym roku działamy według zasady „czym szybciej, tym taniej” – dlatego zachęcamy was serdecznie do wcześniejszych rejestracji.Link do zgłoszeń w komentarzu ⬇️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️There are only 3️⃣ weeks left until the 1st registration deadline for the 44. WawelCup.Remember that this year we are also operating according to the principle “the sooner the cheaper” – that is why we encourage you to early register.Link to registration in the comment ⬇️ See MoreSee Less
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