Forystek & Partners

For another year in a row, just before the 43rd Wawel Cup, we would like to thank our partner who supports us (WKS Wawel Orienteering Team) in our current activities throughout the entire sports season. Law firm Forystek & Partners is specializing in law services for large busisness entities and they are top-ranked among law firms in Malopolska region. Like every year, we encourage you to visit our partner’s website! Forystek & Partners – here

Waste sorting

We would like to inform you that strict waste segregation will be carried out during the 43rd Wawel Cup. We would like to ask team managers to familiarize their competitors with this topic. Bag colors: Yellow – plastic Green – glass Blue – paper Brown – organic Dark gray/black – mixed – e.g. dirty paper plates after a barbecue, plastic containers after dinner

Zacisze Guest Houses

For those looking for last-minute accommodation, we highly recommend the offer from our partner – Zacisze Resort. We encourage you to contact Zacisze directly. More info on our partner’s website – here

Course parameters – final version

We present the final version of the course parameters for the 43rd Wawel Cup. Listening to the requests of competitors from one of the clubs, competitors from age categories M20 & M35 will compete on the same course as W21E.

Dinner orders until midnight 4.07

We would like to remind you that dinner orders will be possible by e-mail ( only until midnight today (July 4). Vegetarian and meat meals will be prepared by our partner On Life foundation. We recommend! Menu – here

Registration after due date

III due date is already behind us. For registrations after due date, we’ve opened new entry form, which will be opened till Sunday midnight. Competitors registered via “late entry form” are treated as registrated in event office – payment in cash, bib number without name and surname. Fee as IV/after due date. registration – here
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2 weeks ago

Przed nami jeszcze tylko 3️⃣ tygodnie do zakończenia pierwszego terminu zgłoszeń na 44.WawelCup.Pamiętajcie, że i w tym roku działamy według zasady „czym szybciej, tym taniej” – dlatego zachęcamy was serdecznie do wcześniejszych rejestracji.Link do zgłoszeń w komentarzu ⬇️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️There are only 3️⃣ weeks left until the 1st registration deadline for the 44. WawelCup.Remember that this year we are also operating according to the principle “the sooner the cheaper” – that is why we encourage you to early register.Link to registration in the comment ⬇️ See MoreSee Less
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