III stage – Świniuszka
Next stage is yet another day with rocky fun! Following Wikipedia: Świniuszka is a hill, covered by loads of rocks and caves”. You will experience a short stage with a map with enlarged scale… and control points nearly almost every feature!

Wawel Cup 2021 Bulletin
Trail Orienteering
Similarly to last year, we are planning a few additional events during 40. edition of Wawel Cup. Along with “Na Ratunek” (“To the Rescue”) Foundation we decided to organize a Trail Orienteering during stage IV. It is mainly addressed to competitors with disabilities, but we encourage every Wawel Cup participant to give it a try!
Trail Orienteering

Model Event – Żelazko
Our come back to Jura means come back to Żelazko which is like Polish Orienteering “Mecca”. This is the place when we organise training field, available to you as of Monday. Rocky terrains with diverse runnability might be a good warm-up before the Polish Orienteering feast.
Similarly to last years, we will prepare two trainings for you (Monday, Tuesday) in the form of Model Event. You will get to familiarize yourself with the map paper and print. At the finish line you will get a printout with split times. The Model Event results will be published on our website. What is ahead of you are two stages in the different parts of the forest. You can choose from 3 courses with differentiated level of length/difficulty.

Model Event – here

II stage – Rodaki
After a 9 year-long gap, we are coming back to Jura, to one of the most interesting and most diversified terrains. Rodaki is about the large number of rocky formations, half-opened terrains, as well as diversified forms of the terrain. Long distance run during second day will be the icing on the cake of next Wawel Cup!

I stage – Bledowska Desert
Same as last year, we would like to share with you information about each stage . It’s time for the first one!
At the very beginning, Wawel Cup 2021 competition comes back to Błędów Desert. This time in a form of mass start with many control points. Our cherry on the top is the location of competition center – one of the most attractive location in the history. The compass rose located in desert will stay in every participant’s memory for long!

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#44wawelcup 🔥
fot. Jakub Kijak