Happy Easter!
We would like to wish you all the Easter time full of happiness, health and love! May the New Life will be a blessing for a better time!
We hope that we will meet with you this year. May you feel the hope and peace during this Easter holiday. Happy Easter!

Postponing first due date
Due to current global epidemilogical situation and high suspense, we decided to postpone Wawel Cup first due date. New date – 15th May.
However, we still believe that we will see all of you during summer holiday. Take care of yourself and the others!

Wawel Cup – possible alternative date
Due to the current epidemiological situation and postponing of Polish Championship in ultralong distance, we would like to announce the possible alternative date of Wawel Cup – 19-23.08.2020. We would like to add that this date is only optional because we still believe that we will meet 8th of July. For this reason please follow our news. Take care!
At the same time we would like to share the conditiions of refunds. In case competitions get cancelled participant who has already paid entry fee, may:
– transfer 100% of the entry fee to the next edition in 2021
– transfer 100% of the entry fee to the next edition in 2021 for another participant (participant in the same entry fee age group)
– get the refund – 50% of entry fee

Model Event – Żelazko/Śrubarnia
Our come back to Jura means come back to Żelazko which is like Polish Orienteering “Mecca”. This is the place when we organise training field, available to you as of Monday. Rocky terrains with diverse runnability might be a good warm-up before the Polish Orienteering feast.
Similarly to last year, we will prepare two trainings for you (Monday, Tuesday) in the form of Model Event. You will get to familiarize yourself with the map paper and print. At the finish line you will get a printout with split times. The Model Event results will be published on our website. What is ahead of you are two stages in the different parts of the forest. You can choose from 3 courses with differentiated level of length/difficulty.

One month left until the first due date!
We would like to remind you that the registrations for Wawel Cup follow the rule “The sooner, the cheaper”. March offers the lowest entry fees! Hope to see you in July!

Trail Orienteering
Similarly to last year, we are planning a few additional events during 38. edition of Wawel Cup. Along with “Na Ratunek” (“To the Rescue”) Foundation we decided to organize a Trail Orienteering during stage IV. It is mainly addressed to competitors with disabilities, but we encourage every Wawel Cup participant to give it a try!
OPEN – everyone regardless sex, age or level of disability.
PARA – competitors, which disability affect movement possibilities to a large extent.
registration form – here
entry fee – free donations for foundation “Na ratunek”