There are only 4 days left until the deadline for Wawel Cup entries. In the meantime we are pleased to present the next winner of our free entry fee contest. It is Dmytro Levin from NORD. Congratulations for Dmytro and… we are waiting for the 643rd!
registration – here

GPS Coordinates
We present the GPS coordinates of the competition centers of each stage and the accommodation places proposed by the organizer.
Detailed information about the Model Event will be published soon.
Primary School Uscie Gorlickie – 49.518482, 21.133372
Zacisze Camping – 49.449579, 21.193502
Zacisze Main Car Park – 49.449341, 21.194749
Competition Office 10.07 – 49.442014, 21.137899
Competition Center I-III – 49.440874, 21.137699
Competition Center IV-V + Trail Orienteering – 49.440186, 21.177245

Bulletin 1
It is a great pleasure to present you the next version of the Wawel Cup Bulletin. There you will find, among others: descriptions of the terrains and a set of information previously published on our website. Have a look!
Biuletyn 1 43. Wawel Cup

Stage V – terrain (Wysowa-Zdrój)
At the very end, the emotions of a handicap race await you! The area of stage V is divided into two parts. The northern part has a varied runnability, where you will find many windthrows, watercourses, marshes and various terrain features. The southern part is an area with typical mountain characteristics – good runnability and numerous elevation changes. The stage ends with a finish line in the charming Spa Park in Wysowa-Zdrój. We are looking forward to this exciting day!
mapper: Włodzimierz Dyzio
course planner: Włodzimierz Dyzio

Welcome Germany, Sweden and Romania!
Our guests from Germany, Sweden and Romania join the group of 11 countries presented so far. We are very pleased to see all of you! A real international orienteering celebration awaits us!
registration – here

Stage IV – terrain (Wysota)
The 4th stage will be held around Wysota Hill. A typical mountain run awaits you. Runnability from very good to difficult in places, the road network is limited. In some parts of the map there are various landforms. Once again, you can expect routechoices typical for the long distance.
mapper: Włodzimierz Dyzio
course planner: Włodzimierz Dyzio

Przed nami jeszcze tylko 3️⃣ tygodnie do zakończenia pierwszego terminu zgłoszeń na 44.WawelCup.![]()
Pamiętajcie, że i w tym roku działamy według zasady „czym szybciej, tym taniej” – dlatego zachęcamy was serdecznie do wcześniejszych rejestracji.
Link do zgłoszeń w komentarzu ⬇️![]()
There are only 3️⃣ weeks left until the 1st registration deadline for the 44. WawelCup.![]()
Remember that this year we are also operating according to the principle “the sooner the cheaper” – that is why we encourage you to early register.![]()
Link to registration in the comment ⬇️